Add Method (Recipients Collection) 

The Add method creates and returns a new Recipient object in the Recipients collection.


Set objRecipient = objRecipColl.Add( [name, address, type] | [entryID] )



On successful return, represents the new Recipient object added to the collection.


Required. The Recipients collection object.


Optional. String. The display name of the recipient. When this parameter is not present, the property of the new object is set to an empty string.


Optional. String. The address of the recipient. When this parameter is not present, the property of the new object is set to an empty string.


Optional. Long. The type of recipient; the initial value for the Recipient object s Type property. The following values are valid:

Recipient type





The recipient is on the To line.



The recipient is on the Cc line.



The recipient is on the Bcc line.


When this parameter is not present, the object uses the default value mapiTo.


Optional. String. The identifier of a valid AddressEntry object for this recipient. No default value is supplied for the entryID parameter. When present, the other parameters are not used. When not present, the method uses the name, address, and type parameters to determine the recipient.



The name, address, and type parameters correspond to the Recipient object s Name, Address, and Type properties, respectively. The entryID parameter corresponds to the child AddressEntry object s ID property. When the entryID parameter is present, the other parameters are not used.

When no parameters are present, an empty Recipient object is created.

You can access the child AddressEntry object through the Recipient object s AddressEntry property.

Call the Resolve1_7QUS9 method after you add a recipient.

The Index3IWDY_ property of the new Recipient object equals the new CountADGKMT property of the Recipients collection.

The recipient is saved in the MAPI system when you Update2E9FDDD or Send1JTD0I1 the parent MessageC062VO object.


This example adds three recipients to a message. The address for the first recipient is resolved using the display name. The second recipient is a custom address, so the resolve operation does not modify it. The third recipient is taken from an existing valid AddressEntry object. The Resolve operation does not affect this recipient.

' from the sample function "Using Addresses"


    ' add 3 recipient objects to a valid message object

    ' 1. look up entry in address book

    Set objOneRecip = objNewMessage.Recipients.Add( _

        Name:=strName, _


    ' error handling...verify objOneRecip



    ' 2. add a custom recipient

    Set objOneRecip = objNewMessage.Recipients.Add( _

        Address:="", _


    If objOneRecip Is Nothing Then

        MsgBox "Unable to add recipient using custom addressing"

        Exit Function

    End If



    ' 3. add a valid address entry object, such as Message.Sender

    ' assume valid address entry ID, name from an existing message

    Set objOneRecip = objNewMessage.Recipients.Add( _

        entryID:=strAddrEntryID, _

        Name:=strName, _


    If objOneRecip Is Nothing Then

        MsgBox "Unable to add recipient using existing AddressEntry ID"

        Exit Function

    End If


    objNewMessage.Text = "expect 3 different recipients"

    MsgBox ("count = " & objNewMessage.Recipients.Count)